Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Joe's cousin, I wrote about previously in a blog, received a new liver yesterday. It has been a long process. They were able to do numerous fundraisers and reach the amount for the insurance to proceed with the surgery if a liver became available. He was contacted on Saturday to say that they may have one for him. Unfortunately it went to the person ahead of him. That then put him as #1 on the list. It sounded like it couldn't have happened at a better time. He was not doing as well as he had been. They received another call about a liver in Idaho and they needed to run a few tests to see if it matched. If so, they would fly it down to the hospital and he could have his surgery. Well it must have matched because he had his surgery yesterday. I hope his body does well with his new liver and they are always in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck Curtis!


Amanda C said...

I am hoping for the best!

Anonymous said...

How scArY! God Bless him and his family.


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