Monday, August 25, 2008


Who said monkeys don't live in Utah. I think these pictures prove otherwise. I could not keep them out of the trees. I'm just glad nobody fell out of them or had any accidents. This summer has actually been an accident free one. I better not say that too loud or maybe I should knock on wood. Whatever I'm just glad we have all been healthy for the most part.

While we were setting up for the Reunion we saw a plane flying by. I had to get a picture. It was really neat to show the kids. It was so big and low. It circled us a few times and then we never saw it again.


Kaleb & Rylee during the Triathalon. They were very good sports during the whole thing. I love these little guys!


Our morning started at 5:30 am so we could make it to registration by 6:30 am. The Triathalon was finished around 11 am just in time to go to the Jackson Reunion at 12:30. We did not make it back home that night until around 7 pm. It was a very long day but a lot of happy memories made.

This is Joe's Grandma. She will be turning 97 on September 11. She has always been so sweet to me. It is sad to see her body not cooperating with the her mind. She still remembers who we all are. We love you Grandma!
Aunts & Uncles
Front: Sandy, Judy, Kathy & Verlene. Back: Don & Dan

All the kids get to dig through sawdust to find money and candy. This is one of the highlights of the reunion every year.


Kaleb thought it would be fun to run to the finish line with Tyler. Maybe next year he will be able to compete.

Tyler was a good sport. His race consisted of:
1/8 mile swim, 5 mile bike & 1.7 mile run. He got confused on the bike course and ended up going around twice. So, he ended up biking 10 miles. I think he was a little frusterated with himself. At the end of the race he was exhausted. Give him 30 minutes and he had plenty of energy. I don't know how they do it.


Brayden got 2nd overall and 1st in his division. I have a feeling we have started something.


Tyler and Brayden both participated in their first Triathalon. They were both very nervous. Brayden did the children's triathalon and Tyler did the Novice. I was so proud of both of them for doing an amazing


Tyler received his Star from Scouts. I am so proud of all the time and
effort he has put into it. Now he is working toward his life and then comes his Eagle. I'm glad I only have one in
Boy Scouts for now.


They were so excited for the first day of school. Kaleb was disappointed this weekend because he did not have school. He is enjoying being in school all day with lunch and 3 recesses.

Rylee was glad to have his brothers back when school was over.


Tyler promised me he would let me cut his hair before school started. When we got done it looked like there was a small creature on the floor. He looks a lot different with his haircut. Either way I still thinks he looks handsome.



BRAYDEN is now a WeBeLoS

Brayden is so excited to now be a Webelos.
For Cub Scouts they got to learn how to make and start fires. Then they got to roast MarShMallOwS. Brayden, my fire bug, loved this part of Cub Scouts!


My sister and I were planning on going to Thanksgiving point but when we saw the lines we decided to change our plans. We then headed to Discovery Park. The kids had a blast!! Bonus for us it did not cost anything and we got a break while the kids wore themselves out.

Kaleb and Kysa loved making music.

Brayden's favorite was the swing. Tyler tried it out and told me I needed to do it as he came staggering over asking where the bathrooms were.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


And this is why he earned the name CURIOUS GEORGE. He is very, very curious. Last night we discovered he likes plastic bags when they are tied up. We got a good laugh at him. Then he climbed in head first and he ran around the room trying to get his head out of the bag. I wish I had it on video.

Salem Days

As we were leaving we noticed this amazing backdrop. They were painting it as we walked by. It was neat to see the artist's view of the city. I wish I could paint like that.
One of the groups to play was a bunch of kids playing their fiddles. Their was a little girl that looked like maybe she was 2 at the most. It was so cute to watch her as she played her very own fiddle.

How could you resist taking a picture of 2 brothers playing together.


Rylin, Easton, Celton, Kade Tyler, Brayden and Kaleb waiting for the Children's Parade to begin. They got to dress up and decorate their bikes to shop to everyone that came.

When Brayden found out that we were going to help with the Children's Parade he decided he was going to make his own float. He got out the boxes, tape (lots of it), glue & markers. Here is the float he came up with. I was so proud of the job he did.

Brayden's 10

Brayden is now 10! He has always been a handful but now he is 2 HANDFULLS. Brayden wanted to see WALL-E for his birthday. We took the whole family and loved it! For his birthday he got a IPOD SHUFFLE, now maybe he will stop stealing mine. Where has the time gone?


Every year we head up to Strawberry for a Poker Run with Joe's work. This year we took our trailer and stayed a couple of days. It was so pretty. We got to see some deer, spend time with friends and just have a great time! The only downside was Bear got bit while we were up there. After a trip to the vet's he is now on antibiotics. Boy does he love that.


Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker


Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker


Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker


Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
