Friday, November 21, 2008

Artist Premier

Watch out Picasso I think I have the next world famous artist. He loves to draw. The only problem is he likes to draw everywhere but on paper. Recently when I was repainting the bathroom I left for a few minutes to answer the phone and upon returning I found him with a paintbrush drawing on the tub. My only regret of this incidence was that I did not get a picture off it. I walked into his room the other night to discover he had found some markers. (I don't know where he got them because I thought I had hidden them all from him. He must have a secret hiding place nobody knows about.) He had drawn all over himself, his bed, the mattress, his phone, the walls and I'm sure I will find other places with the days to come. Good thing he is so cute or he may be wearing a sign saying "Will work for Food."

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