Friday, September 5, 2008

I know it has been awhile since I have last posted. I thought once school started life would be less hectic. Boy was I wrong. I know know what a chicken must feel like when it gets his head cut off. This last week has been very crazy. It all started last weekend with going camping then, off to a Labor Day party with family. My parents also came home from their mission for a couple of days. Monday was my niece's birthday, Tuesday was my little sister's birthday, Wednesday George went to the vet's to be declawed and neutered, Wednesday was also scouts, Thursday I had to pick George up from the vet's. All this plus homework x 3, school fees to be paid & forms to fill out every night. I think we probably could have started our own forest by now. Today is my first day with nothing and I am so excited to just stay home. Rylee has been very bored without his brothers home and finds all sorts of mischief for me to find and clean up. Next week looks good so far. I just hope it stays that way. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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