Friday, October 2, 2009


We love to get our hands dirty and I don't think we are to bad when it comes to gardening. We did take a class a few years back and there is so much to learn. We have been able to use our knowledge from this class and have had better luck at many different plants. One of those would be onions. This year our onions have turned out really nice. There's nothing better than going out to your own yard and picking out fresh vegetables. Now if I could just figure out how to keep those darn squash bugs away from my garden. They give me the Heebie Jeebie's. Maybe next year.


Knottymoose said...

I want to be a gardener!!! How cool that you having good success with yours. Too bad you don't live closer and I could hop the fence and snatch a few goodies out of your yard!

Knottymoose said...

Just checking in on the Jacksons! I hope you all are doing well!


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