Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I meant to do this earlier but I have had a major cold and Rylee and Kaleb ended up with ear infections in the same ear on the same week. Between doctors visits, medication and lots of Lysol I'm hoping we are on the road to recovery.

On the 25th of March was our 14th Wedding Anniversary. Some days I can't believe where the time has gone and other days it seems they are never going to end. Still 14 seems like a long time. It all started when I was just 13 years old and Joe's family moved in across the street. At the time Joe was 16 and had a wild streak in him. I remember the joke around our house when we heard loud music coming down the street is we knew Joe was coming home. Unfortunately he still likes his music loud so if you are wondering why you have to repeat yourself around us this may give a little more insight. Anyways time went on and Joe came home from his mission and not long after saw me out in my driveway playing basketball. He sent his little nephew over to play so that he would have to retrieve him later. Later came and he came over and started to talk to me. That night he called me and asked me out on our very first date. Well the rest is history. We were married a little over a year later. Now 14 years & 4 kids later we are still chugging along. He surprised me by standing on the doorstep a day earlier than our anniversary with 2 dozen roses behind his back. I have always loved his surprises whether big or small.

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