Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spring Break

During Spring Break we went down to Fremont to install sprinklers at Joe's parents house. We started out trenching Friday morning in the snow. By the afternoon it was sunny and somewhat warmer. We found many treasures during the time down there. First there was a rock pathway that once led to the front door. After much digging and sweeping we uncovered this magnificent pathway. It was neat to see all the different sizes, color and designs that were in each rock. Brayden loved cleaning out the trenches. While cleaning out he was able to dig out a little syrup bottle in perfect condition. Along with the bottle we were able to find some marbles, an old hair cream tube, spoon, scissors and some really old bricks, we believe that they may have been from an old cellar foundation. After finding all these treasures it was really hard to keep the kids out of the trenches. If we would have let them they would have dug up the whole yard. I have to confess I found it pretty exciting also. It was addicting after finding the first item.

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