Monday, February 2, 2009


As a family we decided we would have a Super Bowl party. I have never really been into the Super Bowl besides the commercials but I heard someone say that as a family you should have parties for many different reasons. So, I decided to start. With the coffee table filled with many fattening snacks and treats we started. Not too soon after most of us had left the room and were not watching the show until halftime. Then again most scattered. For some strange reason the last 5 minutes of the game we all came back to watch. It was a lot of fun to spend those few moments cheering for whatever team you wanted and spending the time together. I used to love the commercials but I was very disappointed to sit there with my husband and 4 boys to see some of the filth. Now I am questioning how can I teach my kids to live in the world but not of the world. I also do not want to put a bubble around them so when they do go out in the real world they have no concept of real life. I know I have a big challenge ahead of me, Bring it on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! The commercials were HORRIBLE! I was embarassed several times to have all of my nieces and nephews in the room.


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