Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Winter Fun

Finally we received snow in the valley. Once it started snowing it seems it hasn't stopped. Yesterday we shoveled the walks and as soon as we were done it could have been done again. My boys love the snow and couldn't wait to get out into it. I wished they loved shoveling it as much as playing in it.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Party

This morning we had our ward Christmas party. It was a breakfast which is nice because it is in the morning and we have the rest of the day to get things done. Santa came in the end and I wasn't sure how Rylee would react to him. In years past he has screamed and ran the other way. When he saw him he got very excited and disappeared. Before I knew it he had butted in line and was up on Santa's lap with a neighbor girl. He told me a few days ago that Santa was bringing him a Nintendo DS and a little 4- wheeler so he could go hunting with Daddy. I hope he is not to disappointed this year.

Tyler would not go up and see Santa. He thinks he is too old for a lot of things now days.

Brayden was nowhere to be found when Santa came so Tyler went looking for him. Before Tyler could find him we found him sitting on Santa's lap.

Last but not least Kaleb was excited to see Santa. He stood in line patiently the whole time right by my side.

I love Christmas. Most of all to see my kids faces light up. Whether to lights, stories, time with family or ,yes, even to presents.

Christmas Percussion Concert

Tyler continues to play the drums or percussion. This week we got the opportunity to hear him play at his Christmas concert. In one of the songs he got to play 6 different instruments. We do not have a drum set at home so I look forward to these concerts to hear how he is improving. This is his 3rd year playing. He is doing such an amazing job. I couldn't get very good pictures of him at the concert because he is vertically challenged and he was in the very back. When we got him he wanted me to take pictures of him up close. He is growing up so fast I can't believe he is a teenager.

Wax Museum

Brayden is in the 5th grade which means he gets to participate in the Wax Museum at school. He transformed into Orville Wright and had a fun time being someone famous. For his display he kept making paper airplanes. I guess that was not enough for him because the last day of the Wax Museum he came upstairs with a remote that had been taken apart and put back on to some pieces of wood with a straw for a propeller. He told me to watch and before I knew it he touched two wires together and made the propeller start spinning. It even moved the plane a little. He was disappointed because he wanted the plane to go faster and fly off the table. He has become quite the inventor and it would not surprise me if someday he became a scientist, inventor or some other career that challenges him.


I think Rylee was born into the wrong family. Somehow he ended up with monkey genes. He is always climbing, swinging from things and loves to make any mess he can find. He is such a cutie it is hard to get mad at him. This picture is when I found him watching TV in my sewing room. You have to understand he is not allowed in that room because of the trouble he gets himself into.

Town Lighting Ceremony

We are very fortunate to live in a town where they involve the youth with a lot of activities. Last year they involved the elementary school kids to sing for the Town Lighting Ceremony. When the opportunity came this again this year my kids were very excited. It was neat to see all the lights come on together. With lights on the bridge, trees and pond it is an amazing sight to see.


This year for Thanksgiving we celebrated at my house. Both of our parents are on missions so we weren't sure where we would be going. I started talking with my sisters and decided we would get together and do it at my house. It was a lot of fun to get together and spend time with one another. The Sunday before Joe's family all got together for a dinner and games. I forgot to take my camera and get pictures so, these pictures are all from my family. I love spending time with family and look forward to the Holidays every year.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I know it has been a while since I have posted anything. With the holiday season upon us added to the regular chaos at my house I have not found much time to blog. On top of that I have had to make a few visits to the doctor. This time it hasn't been for my boys. I had a yearly physical in November and some of my lab results came back abnormal. I just went and had my blood taken for the second time this week, and it is only Wednesday. Hopefully they will figure some things out soon and give me some answers. I'm hoping to try to post some new pictures soon. So, keep checking back.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cat Nap

Rylee left his dresser drawers open the other day and George decided it looked like a good spot to take a nap. Before I knew it the drawer was closed and to my surprise George was still in it. This poor cat puts up with a lot from 4 boys. Good thing he loves them and is so patient with them.

Artist Premier

Watch out Picasso I think I have the next world famous artist. He loves to draw. The only problem is he likes to draw everywhere but on paper. Recently when I was repainting the bathroom I left for a few minutes to answer the phone and upon returning I found him with a paintbrush drawing on the tub. My only regret of this incidence was that I did not get a picture off it. I walked into his room the other night to discover he had found some markers. (I don't know where he got them because I thought I had hidden them all from him. He must have a secret hiding place nobody knows about.) He had drawn all over himself, his bed, the mattress, his phone, the walls and I'm sure I will find other places with the days to come. Good thing he is so cute or he may be wearing a sign saying "Will work for Food."

Not your ordinary Cat

I've been told most cats are afraid of water. Not mine. He loves to play in the water, lick the faucets, tip over cups of water and even get in the shower. He also likes to watch my boys as they take baths. At times he will just lay on the edge of the tub with his paws hanging over into the tub. Every time I have gone to take pictures of this he moves right before I can take the picture. I finally got one of him displaying his weird fascination.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Joe's cousin, I wrote about previously in a blog, received a new liver yesterday. It has been a long process. They were able to do numerous fundraisers and reach the amount for the insurance to proceed with the surgery if a liver became available. He was contacted on Saturday to say that they may have one for him. Unfortunately it went to the person ahead of him. That then put him as #1 on the list. It sounded like it couldn't have happened at a better time. He was not doing as well as he had been. They received another call about a liver in Idaho and they needed to run a few tests to see if it matched. If so, they would fly it down to the hospital and he could have his surgery. Well it must have matched because he had his surgery yesterday. I hope his body does well with his new liver and they are always in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck Curtis!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bathroom Makeover- Before

I know some of you may say why after only 4 years did she decide to repaint her boys bathroom. 4 Years is a long time for me not to paint anything. After living only 7 years in my previous house I had repainted all but my 2 bathrooms. It did help that this house started out with the colors I wanted. So, why for the change. The old bathroom was decorated with frogs and was more childish looking. My boys are getting older and I felt they needed a more sophisticated and grown up look. Plus Joe was away again on one of his many work trips and I needed a distraction. That might start a new hobby for me. Every time Joe leaves I will change something in the house. Maybe not. All my boys seemed to really like the new look.

Bathroom Makeover- After

This is what the finished project looks like.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


This is a must read for those of you with small children. I thought we had gotten away from any accidents this Halloween. Wishful thinking. On Saturday we were returning from my parents house when Rylee started crying and complaining that something was hurting his nose. He kept putting his finger up his nose to try to get whatever it was out. After pulling over and having him blow his nose we thought that took care of the problem. A little while later he started complaining again. Upon returning home he was still complaining so I had Joe get my hemostats. I found a flashlight and we began the rescue efforts. With Rylee laying on my lap, Joe holding him down & Brayden holding the flashlight so I could see up his nose I finally spotted something. After a few minutes and a couple of tugs I was able to retrieve what was bothering him. He had taken a wrapper from his Halloween candy and shoved it up his nose. I was glad his little fingers were not any longer than they are or we may have had to make a trip to the hospital to pull it out. Here is just another example what everyday life is like for me.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here is a picture of Witchy-Poo as I like to call her. She is almost a landmark in my neighborhood. Not only did I give her bloomers but she also received a booty this year. I'm hoping this will help make her long flights on her broom more comfortable.


I LOVE Halloween. I don't know what it is but I have always loved it. Maybe it is the fact that my Mom used to dress up and go trick or treating with me. I love carving the pumpkins, setting up the decorations, coming up with costumes and making them (sometimes), scaring the trick or treaters, seeing all the other costumes & of course all the desserts that go along with it. After choosing my costume this year Joe decided to go along with me. At the trunk or treat some of the kids would not even come up to me because they were afraid of Joe in his costume. One child even jumped after turning and seeing him right in front of him. Between our spider that is sound activated and Brayden hiding on the porch scaring anyone that came up we had a blast. You should of heard the screams. Each year we try to add something new to our decorations. One of everyones favorite has been a witch that my Dad and I made years ago. This year I did not want her to be exposed so I made her bloomers to go with her outfit. I can't wait until next year!


I had to take picture of all my boys costumes. Tyler escaped from the psych ward, Brayden was a combination of grim reaper & death eater, Kaleb was a mummy and Rylee was the famous Flying Hot Dog. Yes, you heard me right. We were camping over Labor Day weekend when Rylee told us for Halloween he wanted to be a Flying Hot Dog. I had to come up with his costume. So, this was my version of a Flying Hot Dog. We were very HAPPY to not end up at the hospital this year. Prayers really do work. Brayden asked me if he could ride his rip stick to Trunk or Treat and then he looked at me and said never mind. He did not want to repeat last year either.


Kaleb's class went on a field trip to Pumpkinland and I got to go with his class as a parent helper. His teacher told the kids they had to keep track of their parent helper because we might get lost. I thought that was pretty cute and clever. Kaleb was so excited he barely let me go anywhere without him. After we got to pick a pumpkin and have lunch at a park. Thanks Kaleb for inviting me.

CaRvinG PumPkIns

For Family Home Evening we made mummy hot dogs and carved pumpkins. All Rylee wanted to do was make eyeballs out of grapes and see how far he could throw them around the kitchen.


The finished products!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Pictures

I've always wanted to take pictures of my boys at this old cabin behind the house in Fremont. On this last trip I finally did. Tyler gave me the hardest time. He said, "Mom you said you were going to take a picture not fifty". Brayden was probably the easiest. He kept posing and doing everything just perfect. Rylee wasn't too bad I just had to make it like a game and Kaleb was good he kept hearing flies and thinking they were bees. He did not like to be anywhere near them. I took enough that hopefully I would get some good ones. I think I was able to accomplish that. I had a lot of fun and hope my boys did too!




Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker


Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker


Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker


Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker
